Facebook Advertising

Monetize this Social Platform By Reaching Your Ideal Customer.

Trying to figure out Facebook advertising by yourself?

Feel a bit like David going up against Goliath?

Trying to figure out Facebook advertising by yourself?
Facebook ads can be intimidating … and confusing. But you don’t have to do it all by yourself. With Local Business Marketing Solutions driving your FB ads, you can channel leads directly to your business.

At our Dental Practice, we wanted to focus primarily on high-end prospects, and generate leads for our exclusive "new teeth in a day" procedure (a $15K+ service). We agreed on a target Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) of just $15. After a few months of working with LBMS, they produced 238 qualified leads with a CPL of $9.16. We're so grateful to have them on our side.

When you nail Facebook audience targeting, you reach the right people, at the right time. Driving more visits to your website and more calls to your call center. From customers who are ready to buy now.
On average, Facebook users click on 12 ads per month. Make sure the right people are seeing your ads.

Whether you’ve been trying to figure out Facebook ads on your own. Or have been too afraid to try for fear of throwing money out the window, Local Business Marketing Solutions can help.

We know what works, what to watch for and how to make changes to optimize your campaign so that you get the most quality leads for your advertising dollars.

See how LBMS helped one law firm bring in 607 leads and see a 96% drop in the cost per lead over a 13-month period.

With our Facebook Advertising
services, we'll:

  • Customize who sees your ads, even if that means only targeting women between the age of 35 and 55 with teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17.
  • Produce appealing ads that call attention to your products and services. 
  • Create ads that display properly on every device.
  • Provide ongoing ad placement and design optimization. 
  • Deliver detailed lead and conversion tracking.

Facebook Ads. Advertising that reaches the right customer, every time.

Find new customers and grow your business.

Facebook advertising is also a great way to find new customers. With two billion people using Facebook every day, the right strategy can reach those people who need your products or services.

Our formula works.

LBMS has the strategic plan to increase your sales. We can:

  • Help you target your audience with demographics.
  • Produce appealing ads that will call attention to your products and services.
  • Create ads that are flexible enough to work on every device.
  • Monitor your ad progress and make tweaks as needed.
  • Capture your leads and track results.

More than ever before, Facebook users are using the site to find local businesses that can provide the services and products they need.

Facebook Ads

Immediate results.

We’ve created Facebook ads for numerous businesses in many industries. We’ve learned what works, what to watch for and how to make changes as the campaign rolls out. We are much more efficient in getting the results you need to grow your business. Don’t waste your time and money trying to become a Facebook expert!

Want more information on Facebook advertising?

Let’s talk. Give us a call or send us an email. We’re happy to have a conversation about you Facebook advertising possibilities.
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