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5 Expected SEO Trends for 2018

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5 Expected SEO Trends for 2018

SEO Trends

Whether it is a trip to your long awaited favorite holiday destination, a family lunch or visiting a shopping mall, advanced planning is always the best idea. Planning your SEO strategy is definitely not different.  We have almost reached the end of 2017, it is the right time to start thinking about the time left and what to expect from your SEO in the coming year. To make things easier,  it is essential to implement and recognize both upcoming and existing trends in the field of SEO.
Here is a list of five expected SEO trends for now and the coming year in order to lead the race.
1. Building Backlinks
Building backlinks is essential and should play an important role in your SEO strategy and it should become more important in 2018 if you want a top position in Google rankings.  Creating high-quality backlinks can add value to your customer experience is one of the best ways to show Google that your website is reliable. Link to well-known sources and do not overflow your copy with links that confuse your visitors and take them to multiple directories.
2. Leverage Voice search
In 2018  a number of users accessing the internet via spoken words is all set to increase exponentially. Your SEO strategy should include more keyword phrases with a more clear conversational tone.  Let’s take an example, keyword phrase “ download Florida hospitals”  will get more results if it is written in a conversational way that sounds natural, “Which is the best hospital in Florida”?
3. Quick Loading Mobile Pages
No one likes it when a web page takes too long to load. Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP has been introduced,  as an open source project that allows mobile users to load pages 4X faster than regular pages. Faster and quick loading time will reduce the bounce rate and will boost your site.
4. Increase Visualization
Pictures say more than a thousand of words and in 2018 this will keep happening. This is the reason for including videos and images to keep and get, more viewers onto your website. People tend to connect a much deeper meaning to rick elements and visuals they can interact easily.  An effective image and video in your brand message can earn more shares and likes than the best “ word only “ message.  
5. Build your Brand
In 2018, a lot of businesses and companies will be seen undertaking steps strengthen their existing brand presence. With your brand listed in top Search engine results pages, more consumers will be attracted towards your brands and buy your products or use your services. It will also increase your collaboration and contact with other organizations and companies in your niche or industry. While your performance on social media platforms does not necessarily play an important part in an online ranking system, YouTube and Facebook are all best vehicles which should be utilized effectively,  to spread the message about your brand.   
As the digital technology is getting more accepted and enlightened every day, that means that in the coming time, brands and businesses need to interact, engage and get more updated on their target market.  These above mentioned were the top five expected trends for 2018, you need to pay attention. Aside from Local SEO services, we provide other marketing services as well. Visit us today, for more information related to our SEO services.