6 Top Marketing Strategies That You Can’t Afford to Ignore In a Bad Economy

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6 Top Marketing Strategies That You Can’t Afford to Ignore In a Bad Economy

marketing solutions for local businesses


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Times are tough, but there are ways to mitigate the impact on your business. As you listen to this episode, I’m sure you are currently considering — or already have considered — the various ways that an economic downturn could affect your business, and what marketing strategies can keep you competitive.

COVID-19 has made us shift our marketing a bit, however, no matter how difficult it may seem to invest time and energy into marketing, consider these 6 marketing strategies that are high-impact and high-ROI – even in the worst of times. Implementing these strategies would put you in a position to ensure that you don’t even feel the next economic downturn.

Here are 3 email marketing tools I recommended on the show:

Aweber: https://www.aweber.com/
Active Campaignhttps://www.activecampaign.com/


Here’s a link to Episode #16, in case you missed it: http://lbmsllc.com/how-to-market-your-business-in-a-down-economy/

General Info:

Would you like to listen via YouTube? Go here and subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC97CxzX4YnOazsF39DOe34A

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Want a free evaluation of your digital marketing presence? Simply click here: http://lbmsllc.com/marketing-consultation/
and we’ll connect with you as soon as possible.

For a free copy of my book, 7 Steps to Recession-Proofing Your Business, click this link: http://lbmsllc.com/book

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