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8 Steps to Performing a Mid-Year Goal Check

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8 Steps to Performing a Mid-Year Goal Check

marketing solutions for local businesses


Goal setting is a key element in your business process and now that we are in mid-year, this is a good time for a mid-year goal check and review the goals you and your company set at the beginning of the year. Has your company reached some goals but abandoned others? Have you gotten off track? Has your company made any progress on long-term goals? Now that the glow of the new year is long gone, it is time to assess if your company’s 2020 goals were feasible.

Sit down with your team or mastermind partners and review both your business plan and the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Which goals have you met? Which goals are on their way to being met? Which goals have you yet to address? Are you on track to meet your marketing, sales, partnership, or product-creation goals?

Listen to this episode and align yourself for ultimate success…

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