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Easily Share Your Content with Social Sharing Links

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Easily Share Your Content with Social Sharing Links

Sharing makes the world go ’round – from both the humanitarian and mobile marketing perspectives. In fact, without sharing, your website is going to have a hard time getting above-the-fold on SERPs because Google pays attention to Shares, Likes, +1s and other signs that tell the web crawlers, “This content is so awesome! Everybody wants to read it.”

social sharing links

In order to facilitate this warm, fuzzy sharing epidemic, you need to make sure it’s easy for your visitors and followers to pass the information on. Without buttons, links and other tricks, an inspired person might just move on to the next item on their list of things to do when they really wanted to forward your ideas/information/smashing savings/etc. to their friends and family.

Here are some tips on how to create social sharing links.

Meet the Share Link Generator. First item of business: get some visible and recognizable social sharing links up on your site STAT! Use a service like the Share Link Generator and make sure the links are always super visible and easy to use so your visitors aren’t wasting time looking for them (because believe us, they won’t).

Create Your Links. Now you can take the steps to create your own social sharing links that send visitors right to the applicable social media site with your pre-populated content. It doesn’t get much easier than that. The first thing you want to do is copy your URL and paste it into the Share Link populator. Each social media platform link generator will have its own special required information.

Push The Magic Button. Seriously! It’s that easy. Once you submit the info, you’ll be rewarded with  brand new URL and HTML links that you can add to your web pages, eBooks, and other online marketing pages.

Still confused about how to create social sharing links? Contact us for a one-on-one tutorial.