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Important Benefits of Networking in Construction Marketing

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Important Benefits of Networking in Construction Marketing

Networking in construction marketing isn’t just a way to spread the word about your company – it’s about building relationships that can result in regular clients. This is why it’s so important to attend industry trade shows and events as they provide ample opportunity for networking.

The following are a few tips to help with networking in construction marketing:
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Advertise your presence – Let everyone know that you will be at whatever tradeshow or event that is coming up. Use social media to spread the word as this will allow both clients and major players within the industry know where you’ll be and why you’ll be there. You can use a tool like LinkedIn Events in order to connect with others that will be at the same event, thereby giving you a good idea of who is going to be there as well.
Plan out the day – Keep track of your agenda. There will be a number of things you’ll be obligated to do at the event, such as dinners or speeches. Plan to meet up with potential business partners and clients throughout the day as well in order to begin fostering new relationships or build on current ones. Be sure to leave a little free time to network with individuals you may not have had contact with yet.
Bring business cards – While some people suggest not doing this and taking phone numbers down instead, it’s still a good idea to have some cards on you to hand out.
Speaking with others – When networking, make sure you ask open-ended questions about other people’s businesses and needs instead of talking about yourself. Figure out a way that you can help them.
Use these networking tips and be sure to schedule a one-on-one consultation with us at Local Business Marketing Solutions. We’d be happy to help you with marketing strategies for your business!