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Learn the Benefits of Using Pinterest Analytics

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Learn the Benefits of Using Pinterest Analytics

When’s the last time you checked your Pinterest analytics? That’s what we thought. Analytics are often the last place small business marketers want to spend their time but they are also one of your most important marketing tools. The information you find in your Pinterest analytics will tell you whether you are seeing an ROI on the time and energy you’re spending there, and can help you to tweak your approach to increase it.
Pinterest analytics
Learning how to use Pinterest Analytics is the first step in making them work this important visual social media platform in your favor.
Tips on How to Use Pinterest Analytics
Know what you’re looking for. First, you have to understand what your Pinterest analytics will tell you. You will learn things like:

  • The type of content that generates the most interest
  • See where your content is being pinned
  • Understand which pins have the most click-throughs and which pages on your site they came from.

Together, this information tells you a great deal about who is visiting your site, the pages they are engaging the most with and – of course – the types of pins your visitors and clients are the most attracted to and stimulated by.
Know where to look. In order to access your analytics, you’ll need to verify your website. Then access the Settings menu, located in the top-right corner. Drop down to the Analytics category and you’ll be off and running. If you’re familiar with Google’s Analytics, the Pinterest analytics interface will be a cinch.
Pay attention to Pins. Ultimately, your repin metrics are what tell you whether or not your content is inspiring engagement. Hopefully, your repin numbers are off the chart. If they’re not, don’t be disheartened. Instead, add more visual content with engaging headings and Pin It buttons front and center.
Still confused about how to use Pinterest analytics? Feel like your Pinterest account needs some life breathed into it? Contact us and schedule a one-on-one marketing consultation today.