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Effective Ways to Market Your Construction Company

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Effective Ways to Market Your Construction Company

The construction industry is competitive. Companies have turned average homeowners into amateur interior designers, and remodels are all the rage. Your job is to make your company stand out from the rest so you’re the one they choose for the next remodel or renovation project.

Construction Company

The following tips on how to market a construction company will allow you to develop your brand while honing in on your target market.

Tastefully brag about your experience: If your construction company is new, you may feel like the portfolio is a bit lacking. While you may not be able to brag about your company’s experience (yet!), you sure can tout the collective experience shared by your team. Don’t be afraid to sell yourselves. It will inspire confidence in your prospective clients.

Develop your niche: Construction is a broad field and by analyzing your company’s strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be able to scope out some potential niches that you can really sell to your clients. Maybe your natural stone slab work is the most artistic and seamless in the business. Perhaps it’s your custom finish work that really shines. Use those niches, or specialties, to your advantage.

Get social: It’s important to get active on social media, that is. The more you’re talking, the more others will be talking about you. Encourage clients to share pictures of your finished products on their social media accounts. Personal referrals are key in your line of work.

Encourage referrals: Since personal referrals are key, do what you can to encourage them. Consider what types of incentives would motivate customers to refer you such as a slight discount on their next project, a percentage off your products or a gift certificate to a local business.

Contact us at Local Business Marketing Solutions for more marketing tips for your company.