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Visual Content Marketing: How to Create Leads With Images

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Visual Content Marketing: How to Create Leads With Images

In today’s real-time online marketplace, competition seems to be ten times tougher than 20 years ago. At Local Business Marketing Solutions, our team will study your closest competitors’ marketing strategies. We’ll show you how better visual content marketing will create leads and give your company the winning edge.
Our professionals will design a marketing plan for your specific company and give you the latest tools needed to be competitive in the online marketplace. For example, images of supportive data are now called infographics. They used to be called pie charts, but these are much snazzier than the color-coded graphs of yore. Three do-it-yourself infographics programs available with which you can increase leads include, and PowToon:
Visual Content Marketing

  • Tech writer Yoav Vilner says is his favorite program. is easy. Yousimply select your background, choose elements, then drag and drop for an attractive, appealing visual presentation.
  • Another popular visual content marketing tool is,  a slideshow app. You upload your pictures, add music and animation, then share with your social media friends and followers. You can also email the show to your customer list.
  • For a dynamic social media marketing graphic, PowToon is an animated video app that is perhaps better suited for small businesses. You can use one of the program’s templates or create your own visual content. It’s free, but you may want to consider an account upgrade to better enjoy the features.

Visual content marketing is not completely about sales. Your imagery and presence on the Internet is critical to your brand recognition, which is something that’s is important for your company’s competitive edge and long-term success.
Contact us at Local Business Marketing Solutions today for more information about the various types of effective content marketing. Be sure to check us out on our Facebook page, as well!