Why Your Law Firm’s Reviews Matter

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Why Your Law Firm’s Reviews Matter

law firm marketing

These days, it’s not surprising to learn that online reviews are crucial for both customers and businesses. However, what about when it comes to your law firm? According to a recent study, approximately 84% of participants said that they wouldn’t hire a law firm with anything below a four-star rating.

However, there are some other reasons why reviews are so important, which is why the law firm marketing experts from our team at Local Business Marketing Solutions (LBMS) have collected them for you here.

  • Improved SEO Rankings

 One of the foremost reasons why having good reviews matters is because it has a direct correlation with your law firm’s SEO rankings. This means that law firms with more positive ratings and reviews are more likely to be at the top of the search results page. Additionally, responding to reviews and interacting with followers is another way you can boost local search rankings.

  • Attract New Clientele

 Having great reviews on Google and your website, as well as other pages like LinkedIn, Yelp, etc., is a powerful way to convince potential clients to choose your firm over another. This is because it demonstrates a higher level of trust and credibility. In fact, in many cases, users trust online reviews just as much as recommendations from friends and family members.

  • Follow Up with Clients

Aside from providing the best law services to clients, you can also reach out to them and ask them to submit a testimonial for your site or submit a review online. Of course, sometimes this might seem easier said than done. To get the most reviews and testimonials, you should make it as easy as possible for clients to leave them.

  • Utilize Social Media

Receiving positive reviews and testimonials is great, but don’t stop there: spread the word by posting them on social media. Always highlight positive reviews online and interact with your audience on social media by responding to comments or questions. This will help you generate even more of a reach online.


Pro Tip – An optimized website that is mobile compatible will make it easier for users to find and see your site/services, will attract more clients, and improve your online ranking while also promoting your reviews.

Contact Us Today for Digital Law Firm Web Marketing Solutions

We work with a range of law firms, personal injury lawyers, family law practices, and more. If you need comprehensive digital marketing services in the law sector, then contact us online today or call (888) 416-7752.

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