Latest Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing Tips for Your Legal Firm

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Latest Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing Tips for Your Legal Firm

digital marketing for law firms

If you haven’t yet explored different personal injury lawyer marketing strategies to get more leads and clients, there’s no time like the present to start. Personal injury is one of the most in-demand and competitive legal specializations. According to IBISWorld, the  personal injury market is worth $55.8 billion and on average grows by 4.8% yearly.

In creating a marketing strategy, many law firms often follow what their competitors do. If it worked for them, it might work wonders for you too. However, many fail to understand that the marketing landscape is constantly evolving. A strategy can be highly effective today, but you can’t expect it to bring you consistent results all the time.

To help you get started, here are the latest personal injury marketing tips for lawyers and law firms.

law firm client acquisition

3 Best Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing Tips for Legal Practitioners

Set a C  Instead of Focusing on ROI

The cost per case (CPC) is an effective way to set expectations for your business. Even an estimate will help you make better business decisions and lessen the risk of not immediately knowing your ROI.

Determining the CPC may take a lot of work. A legal case may cost a few hundred dollars to millions depending on how big it is. But you can follow these steps to know your CPC.

  1. Know your settlement average for the past two years.
  2. Multiply it by 10%, 20% and 30% to get a picture of three possible costs.
  3. Decide which of the proposed CPC your firm is willing to spend on marketing.

Track Every Lead for Your Business

Once you know your cost per case, you have to track every lead you get. Online submissions and chatbots are the easiest to follow. You can easily set up monitoring conversions and leads using Google Analytics. But don’t forget to consider the calls you get.

Here are some call tracking tools you can utilize.

  • Google’s phone call conversion tracking: Google’s phone call conversion tracking is free, and you can integrate it with Google Ads. However, it shows only the caller’s partial number and very little information about the call.
  • CallTrackingMetrics: This tool gives extremely detailed call data but is expensive compared to other analytics tools.

You may track your stats using other software alternatives. What’s important is you pick one that’s easy to use and fits your budget. Once you can properly track all your metrics, you can start brainstorming strategies for marketing your personal injury practice.

Generate Personal Injury Case Leads

If you want a more “do it yourself” approach to acquiring your clients, then working with lead generation vendors is the best option for your law firm.

Consider your cost per acquisition. For every campaign you run, divide the total cost by the number of new cases generated. Small firms should strive for channels that have a direct return on ad spend.

There are several ways you can generate new leads.

Niche and Target Audience

You advertise to a broad audience when you create lead generation ads, and not all of them will need your service. Finding your target audience within your niche narrows your audience to those who need your services.

Here are some tips to help you do that.

Consider Behavior Before, During, and After the Injury Claim

No one knows better than personal injury practitioners the reasons their clients need their services. Many accidents or injuries can cause an individual to reach out to your services, so ask questions about their feelings and thoughts before, during, and after the incidents. The information will help you target people with the same demographic and behavioral characteristics.

Utilize Social Media

Social media marketing for personal injury lawyers is also an option. For example, if you’re an accident lawyer, you can create or join groups for motorists and drivers. There, you can post updates on safety regulations or any vehicular law changes.

Go Local

Find local businesses and organizations to help you advertise your services. For example, you can advertise in bike or auto repair shops in your community. Someone getting their car repaired after a crash may need a personal injury lawyer.

Search Engine Optimization

People look for legal practitioners on Google every single day. Investing in SEO, particularly local SEO, is thus one of the best ways to get a massive amount of leads for your legal practice.

However, you have to deal with thousands of competitors. Law firms and individual practitioners undoubtedly use similar phrases to gather as many leads and clients. But there are ways you can land in the top search engine results.

Website Optimization

An optimized website is fast, secure, functional, and SEO-friendly, which will increase organic traffic. If your legal practice already has an existing website, you must check on some SEO issues that need fixing, including the following:

  • Broken links
  • Page load speed.
  • Use of high-ranking keywords in titles and descriptions
  • User-friendliness

Once these things are good, you’ll be one step closer to landing on page 1 of search results.

Consider the Mobile Experience

According to Statista, over 51% of website visits in the United States come from mobile phones. This means that most people use their smartphones and tablets to browse the internet rather than personal computers.

Here are some tips to optimize for mobile to improve SEO.

  • Optimize your mobile page load speed. Google PageSpeed Insights can give you vital data about your page’s load time.
  • Develop a responsive design to ensure your website adapts to whatever device visitors view it on.
  • Follow a thumb-friendly structure. Ensure that visitors can scroll through and navigate your website easily.
  • Make calls to action easy to find so that your customers know what to do after exploring your website.

personal injury attorney marketing webpage

Talk to Our Law Firm Digital Marketing Experts

Marketing your firm online is no easy feat. There are thousands of legal practitioners offering their services online, too. But with the right marketing tactics, you can get ahead of your competition. These tips are just some of the digital marketing practices that will give your legal business a boost.

If you want to thrive online and get your name out there, we at Local Business Marketing Solutions can help. We have a team of law firm digital marketing experts that can bring your business high-quality prospects and increase your revenue.

Reach your business’s full potential by booking a discovery call today.

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