5 Tips on Combining SEO and Social Media for Small Businesses

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5 Tips on Combining SEO and Social Media for Small Businesses

The number of consumers buying online has exploded in recent years, with an astonishing 2.14 billion people worldwide now shopping over the internet. In the US alone, there are more than 230 million digital shoppers as of 2021. That’s 1.43 percent more than in 2020, and that number will only keep growing.

From these statistics, it’s clear that every company now needs a solid digital marketing strategy. Any business without an online presence is lagging behind.

Many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of SEO and social media to beef up their online marketing efforts. The fact is most people who use the internet are active on different social media platforms.

Combining SEO and social media helps boost your visibility among social media users. Ultimately, it does a lot of good both for your social media marketing campaign and your company website’s exposure.

In today’s blog, we highlight five clear ways you can unite your SEO and your social media strategies and maximize leads.

Let’s get started.

1. Take a Closer Look at Your Content Marketing Strategy

The first thing you need to consider when developing an SEO and social media strategy is whether you have content. 82 percent of consumers say they view a brand positively after reading its custom content. 61 percent report being influenced by content to make a purchase.

Without content, it’s hardly possible to generate any engagement on social media. That’s why you need to take time to develop quality content before you think about combining SEO with your social media marketing strategy.

The key to developing content that people will engage with is to have a thorough understanding of your target audience. For instance, what are their pain points? Try to figure out the keywords they use when conducting searches to gain insights into your customers’ needs.

As soon as you’ve understood your target audience, it becomes easier to create content that’s as personalized as possible. Remember, 72 percent of consumers say they only engage with content that’s personalized. If your message isn’t relevant to the interests of your target audience, few will spend time with it.

Regularly conduct keyword research and create a list of topics to cover within your content. Experiment with as many forms of content as possible, from videos to infographics to quizzes.

Always reformat the content you create to fit social media needs. For instance, you can reformat your blog posts into infographics to engage better with your social media followers.

Remember to optimize your content. For those who don’t have a clear idea of how SEO works, you may consider working with a reputable digital marketing agency.

2. Encourage Content Sharing

Search engines like Google typically use their search engine algorithms to rank websites on their search pages. Backlinks are among the top ranking factors.

A backlink is a link that sends a user from another site to yours. One of the best ways you can generate backlinks is by encouraging your visitors or followers on social media to share your content. Of course, if your content is top-quality and highly engaging, people will naturally want to share it with their friends.

Do your part by making it as easy as possible for a user to share your content. That includes adding clearly visible share buttons on your social media platforms. The more people share your content, the more you get to reach potential customers online.

3. Optimize Images

It’s impossible to overestimate the power of visual content. Posts with images generate a staggering 650 percent higher engagement than those that contain text only. And since images significantly boost reader recall, including them in your social media posts can help improve the chances of people recalling your brand.

Be sure to optimize all images you use. That means knowing which image file types to use, and resizing your images before you export them. Try to compress your images to reduce the file size.

Name your image files, taking care to include the target keyword. Don’t forget to use the proper alt attributes as well.

4. Encourage Conversations

Another way to reap the benefits of SEO through social media is to encourage conversations among your followers. There are many easy ways to get your followers talking.

For instance, you can ask provocative questions. Be sure to participate in the conversation by replying to comments to keep the conversation going. The goal is to boost engagement, which is essential in expanding your reach online.

5. Partner With Influencers

Another way to boost your SEO and social media marketing efforts is by knowing how to use local influencers. Find someone with influence in your industry and work with them to promote your brand.

An influencer will already have a significant social media following. They can use their influence to help you reach a wider audience on social media.


Well, you can ask your influencers to share links to your online content. Doing so can help earn you a multitude of visitors overnight, dramatically boosting your rankings. More importantly, you get to generate numerous leads, particularly if the influencer’s followers constitute your target audience.

Unite SEO and Social Media to Give Your Business a Boost

SEO and social media can combine wonderfully to help broaden your online reach and grow your business. For entrepreneurs who don’t know how to unite the two, the guidelines provided here can help get you started. Where you feel stuck, you can always seek the help of a professional digital marketing agency.

Would you like to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level? Contact us today and learn how our services can help you.

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