Attorney Website Content: 7 Must-Have Pages on Your Website

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Attorney Website Content: 7 Must-Have Pages on Your Website

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A website that showcases your expertise and effectively communicates your message can attract more clients and help your practice grow. Whether you are starting a new website from scratch or revamping an existing one, you’ll want to ensure that you have attorney website content that gives valuable knowledge and keeps potential clients engaged.

In this article, we’ll discuss seven essential pages that your attorney website can’t be without. From highlighting your or your team’s experiences and qualifications to showcasing your services and client testimonials, these pages will help you establish credibility, address clients’ concerns, and, ultimately, win new clients. What pages are these? Let’s take a look! 

1. Law Firm Home Page

The home page is the face of your law firm online—a gateway to shape clients’ first impressions. Make your home page look as credible, trustworthy, and professional as possible, the same way you put your best foot forward when facing clients.

Include these details in your homepage.

  • A straightforward and catchy headline
  • A short sub-headline or tagline that encapsulates your offer
  • A call to action positioned at the top, in the middle, and at the bottom of your home page
  • A hero image or video about your law firm and services
  • Your practice areas
  • Notable client feedback
  • Your law firm’s awards
  • An organized menu bar featuring links to your law firm website’s essential pages

Arrange the details in the most visually pleasing way possible, as the website’s looks can be a huge deciding factor for viewers to browse or bounce.

2. About Us

After setting the first impression on the home page, it’s time to dive deeply into what your law firm is about. The About Us page shows your law firm’s unique characteristics and how it stands out from the other law firms offering the same services as yours.

To achieve those, you can do these.

  • Do a little storytelling to add a human touch.
  • Share how your law firm began, what inspired you, and what keeps you going.
  • Maintain a consistent voice that reflects your brand.
  • Ensure that the content for your law firm’s website supports your brand image.

Give a sense of direction to the scrolling visitor by directing them on where to go next or adding another call to action on this page.

search bar with attorney background

3. The Team

Besides introducing your firm and brand, let site visitors know the lawyers they can work with through The Team page. Some firms have this page combined with the About Us page or as a subcategory under it, but what matters is that you put a face to each name and provide a brief introduction about your lawyers. 

How do you write an attorney bio for a website? Here are some tips.

  • Keep it brief and include the lawyers’ relevant qualifications and achievements.
  • Add their photos so that potential clients can see their faces.
  • Add some trivia about your lawyers.

Strike a balance between maintaining a professional tone and a friendly one. The formal style adds credibility, while a conversational voice lets the reader feel at ease in contacting you.

4. Practice Area Page

Now, let’s go to the more serious page of your website, the practice area page. This is the page where you discuss the services you offer. 

Make the law firm web content of this page as reader-friendly as possible to ensure potential clients understand how your law firm can assist them with their legal problems. Skip the legal jargon, as you’re trying to seem approachable. Always go for layperson’s terms. Add the specifics in bullet points, and share the benefits of getting the legal service from your law firm. 

If you have multiple practice areas, creating separate pages for each would be best. Doing so keeps your law firm’s website organized and is also beneficial for search engine optimization. Each page can have the chance to rank on search engine result pages for individuals looking for that specific service.

Finally, provide a link on each page directing clients to the Contact Us page so that those interested can reach you.

5. Law Firm Website Contact Page

Keep this page brief and straightforward. Clients who go to this page want to know how to contact you, so provide your office address, contact number, and email. 

You can also set up contact forms that visitors can fill out. Let them input their name, contact information, and why they are contacting you. Ensure the form isn’t too long, as the client may bounce. Some law firms add other sections to ask how the visitor heard about them or about the potential client’s affiliations, but this is totally up to you.

Collecting a contact list of clients is beneficial for lead generation. Potential clients may not sign up for a legal service now, but you can reach out to them through newsletters and email updates.

attorney website on a mobile phone

6. Client Portal

A client portal is a crucial component of any attorney’s website. It serves as a secure online platform where clients can access and manage their case-related information conveniently. 

With a client portal, you can provide your clients with real-time updates, document sharing capabilities, and secure messaging options. It not only streamlines communication between you and your clients but also enhances transparency and efficiency. A well-designed and user-friendly client portal demonstrates your commitment to delivering top-notch legal services while providing your clients with a seamless and interactive experience.

7. Blog for Law Firms

Your blog content has two main functions: for search engine ranking and as a resource page for your clients and website visitors. 

Create content that satisfies both the search algorithm and your human audience. Do this by tackling the concerns of your viewers. Discuss common legal issues in your practice areas and the solutions to them through written text, images, and video content. Doing so shows how well-versed you are in your field, which increases your credibility and trustworthiness.

Don’t forget that search engines crawl through each web page’s content to provide the most relevant results to searchers. Optimize your blog posts with keywords to ensure that they reach your target audience. Make sure to incorporate keywords naturally, and make each blog read smoothly.

Bring Your Attorney Website Content to Life with Law Firm Website Design

The pages discussed above are some of the must-have pages on any legal service website, but you can still add more. For instance, pages like News, Case Studies, Frequently Asked Questions, and Resources can further boost your law firm’s credibility. Ensure you organize these pages to provide an excellent user experience and make potential clients stay on your website long enough to understand your practice and decide to work with you.

To bring your website content to life and leave a lasting impression, invest in custom website design for lawyers. Here’s what you can expect from our website design service.

  • Build a custom website that reflects your branding and provides the exact experience you want your customers to have.
  • Ensure visitors to your site can explore the site easily and find what they need quickly.
  • Optimize your site for speed so that everything loads quickly and visitors never have to wait.
  • Maximize on-page and back-end SEO so that your website appears near the top of search results.
  • Build an easy-to-use content management system so that you can add and update content on your site on the fly.

Contact us for a 15-minute discovery consultation if you’re ready to take your attorney website to the next level. Let us create a website that sets you apart from the competition and captivates your potential clients.

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