Beginner’s Guide to Bankruptcy Attorney Marketing

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Beginner’s Guide to Bankruptcy Attorney Marketing

Bankruptcy lawyer talks with fellow lawyers

Bankruptcy attorney marketing is a must-have for any bankruptcy lawyer trying to reach out to local businesses and individuals facing issues with their finances and private investments.

Getting new clients doesn’t just happen by sitting around or handing out pamphlets. Experienced legal practitioners can perhaps talk their way into a potential client’s pockets, asking to be referred to relatives and friends. But in an online world, it’s not going to be enough to compete with a bankruptcy firm with a solid law firm marketing strategy.

In this article, we’ll teach you the basics of digital marketing strategies like search engine optimization, social media marketing, and more.

Where Do Bankruptcy Attorneys Stand in the Legal Industry?

Bankruptcy attorneys are a vital part of the legal industry, providing legal representation and assistance to individuals and businesses seeking relief from their debts and financial difficulties.

The National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys says over 4,000 consumer bankruptcy attorneys are currently working in the United States. With this many lawyers vying for clients, competition in the bankruptcy industry is incredibly fierce. It can be challenging to stand out and establish a unique value proposition that resonates with potential clients.

To succeed in this crowded industry, it is crucial to find ways to differentiate your firm from countless others offering similar services. This could involve offering unique payment options, developing innovative legal strategies, or simply going above and beyond to meet your clients’ needs.

But even if you’re the most hardworking bankruptcy law firm out there, it may still not be enough to attract clients. Like it or not, part of creating a solid client base is building a great marketing strategy for your firm. Luckily for you, we’ve got the best tips.

How Bankruptcy Law Firms Are Getting More Clients

Bankruptcy lawyer talks with bankruptcy client

Nowadays, people prefer to find services and products online. The same thing applies to legal services. Many prospective clients arrive at law firms after having looked up “legal counseling” or “bankruptcy lawyer” on search engines.

This is the great opportunity that digital marketing brings. By increasing the exposure that your law firm has online, you increase the chances of meeting your future clients and even reintroducing existing and past clients to other services you offer. Here’s how.

Meeting Potential Clients on Social Media

In 2022, cryptocurrency company Celsius filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, causing a massive storm on social media for its 1.7 million affected customers. When this happened, bankruptcy firms received thousands of messages online.

For Deborah Kovsky-Apap, a Troutman Pepper partner, this meant tackling the problem where the customers were—on social media.

While most social media marketing strategies for bankruptcy attorneys prioritize creating a Facebook business account—which is a valid strategy that you shouldn’t discount—your potential clients are not restricting themselves to this platform. In the wake of the crypto implosion, for instance, bankruptcy lawyers found clients on Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram.

With the correct management and content, law firms can tap into their target audience in ways that are only available on social media. Additionally, if clients see that you’re verified with a check mark, it’ll be a bonus to your bankruptcy law firm’s credibility.

Upgrading Your Bankruptcy Law Firm Website Using Bankruptcy Attorney Marketing

All websites rank on search engines based on many factors, including user experience and overall website architecture. Some digital marketing agencies provide website design services that help improve how clients can interact and utilize certain site features.

For example, live chat is a feature that many law firm websites use because it ensures quick communication between the firm and potential clients. This feature serves to lengthen web sessions or the browsing time of a user, which ultimately amps up your search engine ranking.

Upgrading your website to load faster and work seamlessly on mobile devices is also recommended; clients now use their smartphones more than their computers because of accessibility.

Publishing Reliable Legal Content

When you create informative content on your bankruptcy law firm’s website and your visitors read them, you help your audience learn more about the legal practice. When this happens, it’s likely to increase traffic to your website because both search engines and other users will view you as a credible source for legal advice.

Let’s say you wrote an excellent blog about credit counseling. It could invite website visits from people researching the topic, such as first-time business owners.

If you have other interesting and informative blogs posted, chances are that they will pique the interest of these same people. And the more time they spend on your website, the more authoritative you will seem to search engines, therefore increasing your rankings. This is because search engines prioritize websites with helpful and diverse content and information.

Building Your Local SEO

Local SEO is an effective marketing strategy for law firms. This SEO strategy focuses more on the local market and involves producing relevant content that pops up in local searches.

You can improve your visibility in local search results by including your firm’s address and phone number in your website and optimizing your content with relevant local keywords. You can also go the extra mile by submitting your information to online business directories, both paid and free.

One of the most popular business directories is Google Business Profile (GBP). Organizations can claim a free Google Business Profile listing. This powerful tool helps firms appear on Google Maps and nearby search results, effectively improving online visibility and credibility.

Generating Qualified Leads Through PPC Campaigns

Qualified leads are prospects whose profile suggests they are likely to become a paying customer. To get qualified leads, running PPC (pay-per-click) advertising campaigns is a recommended strategy because it works fast and is budget-friendly.

The way PPC works is this: when a user searches for a keyword, the search engine will display the most relevant ads at the top of the results. If a user finds an ad relevant and clicks on it, the advertiser is charged for the click. The user is then directed to a landing page designed to convert them into a client.

By using PPC advertising, law firms can target their ideal clients with highly relevant ads and only pay for clicks from users actively searching for their services.

Encouraging Online Reviews

Online reviews are also a great way to market your firm. The simplest way to encourage online reviews is to ask customers for them. You can do this in person, through email, or by including a request for a review on your website or on Google Reviews.

The end goal is to ensure that prospects who search for services online and happen upon your listing immediately spot positive reviews from satisfied clients, helping build trust and legitimacy.

Beat Competitors With the Help of Experts

bankruptcy attorney marketing

Marketing for bankruptcy lawyers is challenging, especially with the complicated legal processes and requirements that come with the job. Fortunately, in the hands of professional digital marketers, you can promote your services far and wide.

Work with experts to establish your online presence and attract new clients. At Local Business Marketing Solutions, we have the right team of professionals who will be dedicated to your firm’s success.

So what are you waiting for? Request a strategy session with us today.

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