Much like technology—and often because of it—marketing seems to evolve into something new every single year. For example, what was once being accomplished through mailers is now typically handled on social media. For a business to be successful, it must keep up with these trends. With that in mind, here are the marketing trends of 2017 that will define the business world.
Email Marketing Actually Growing
Even as naysayers continuously tout the idea that email in the marketing world is dead, enterprises that use it as a promotional tool are still seeing great results. Nearly three-quarters of consumers, in fact, prefer to receive commercial communications via email.
Thanks to consumers’ preference for email and social media’s move to demand increasing amounts of money to reach an audience, marketers will be pushing out more via email. If prior success is any indication, this will help businesses that utilize the tactic.
Livestream Marketing
Social platforms from Instagram to Facebook are now offering live streaming options for business and personal profiles. While this might seem like something that would only benefit those in the breaking news and entertainment arenas, businesses around the country have started to use the technology.
As live streaming kinks are worked out and companies learn to utilize it, the use of the technology will undoubtedly grow. Consumers want to know what’s going on with their favorite brands, and what better way than letting them know right as something is happening?
Influencer Marketing Goes Mainstream
Having an industry influencer “sign off” on a company is a great marketing tactic. This can include anything from hosting a guest blog to posting content from the company on their social media page.
There are even big stars, ranging from wrestler Chris Jericho to alternative model Amanda Jean, who share content on their pages for additional income. Thanks to the relative ease in getting in contact with industry leaders, businesses will begin utilizing influencer marketing more in 2017.
Even the most knowledgeable marketing experts can quickly become amateurs if they don’t keep up with marketing trends over time. Promotional tactics evolve over the years, and businesses that hope to be successful must evolve with them.
Let’s work together and help you evolve with the times so that your business is always top of mind for all of your current and future customers. If you need help keeping up with the trends, give us a call (888-416-7752), one of our marketing consultants will be happy to help you. Or simply click here and schedule a complimentary marketing strategy session.