7 Best Display Advertising Platforms for Law Firms

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7 Best Display Advertising Platforms for Law Firms

Display advertising banner that reads “YOUR AD HERE” on a web page

As the online marketplace continues to evolve, attorneys must recognize the importance of a solid digital marketing strategy to reach potential clients. Display advertising is one of the most effective ways to increase online visibility and attract new clients. But with so many display advertising platforms on the Internet, it can be challenging to pick the right one. 

This article will explore the seven best display advertising platforms and their pros and cons. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or part of a prominent law firm, understanding the different display advertising networks available can help you make the most of your marketing budget and have new clients. Let’s take a look!

1. Google AdSense


If you want your ads to reach the most audiences, Google AdSense is the best choice. This platform allows your ads to appear on websites and apps to get the attention of Google’s over 1 billion users. The platform also features flexible ad optimization, from picking the right ad size to using different ad types like native ads, video ads, and interstitials.


The Google Ads display network is among the most trusted and prestigious advertising platforms. It’s not surprising they have strict guidelines and best practices that advertisers and publishers must follow. The stringent rules may be challenging to adhere to, but with the sure rewards, more than 2 million publishers and advertisers using Google Ads are willing to follow.

Why It’s a Great Choice

Google AdSense can give you high-quality ads and different display ad formats you can create. With various choices for Google Ads, you’ll have more control over how you want to present your product, services, or brand to get potential clients’ attention and trust.

2. Facebook Ad Network


In today’s world, online presence is essential for brand awareness, retention, and increased conversion. The best thing about the Facebook ad network is that it allows your ads to appear on Instagram and a host of other apps owned by Meta. As a result, you can reach out to Meta’s 3.7 billion users worldwide.


Like many in-demand and famous display ad platforms, Facebook has strict ad guidelines. But again, adhering will allow you to reap great rewards when your ads appear on different networks and your revenue increases.

Why It’s a Great Choice

If your ideal client belongs to the younger generations who are into social media, this platform is the best. Your Facebook ads can seamlessly appear on their feeds as they go through their daily routine of getting updated about their social network. You might get a click and a successful client if it appeals to their interests and needs.

3. Leadbolt Display Advertising


Managing ads yourself has several advantages. To begin with, you can keep an eye on the campaigns that are going well, analyze the best practices that make the ad successful, and duplicate the strategies for your other ads. Plus, you can adjust the bidding and your strategies immediately when there are non-performing campaigns.

You can do these with Leadbolt, as the platform allows self-serve ads. You still have the option to delegate tasks to ad managers through the platform’s full-service ads.


The one thing you need to consider when choosing Leadbolt is that it is only compatible with mobile displays. As a result, your reach will be limited to users who are browsing on a mobile device.

Why It’s a Great Choice

If mobile outreach is your goal for your display advertising campaign, Leadbolt is the best ad network. The platform is also a great choice for attorneys who prefer to be hands-on in their display advertising campaigns. You can manage your campaigns and adjust biddings and keyword choices because of the self-serve option.

A woman using her iPhone 13 while holding a coffee mug

4. Apple Advertising


Apple is one of the biggest companies today and the world’s largest app store. The company has leveraged this in making its display ad offers one of the most efficient choices for attorneys who want to advertise online.

Apple allows developers to configure their mobile apps to enable advertiser campaigns. With more than a million applications available on Apple, there is a huge opportunity for reach, clicks, and conversions for publishers that participate in its display ad network.


Although the reach of Apple advertising is huge, the platform’s reach is limited to mobile-specific ad units. If your ideal clients more frequently use desktops, reaching out to them will be impossible with Apple.

Why It’s a Great Choice

Despite the display ad network’s limitations, it still has many apps and users where your ad will be available. The platform also allows advertisers and publishers to tweak bidding and customize ad settings, giving more freedom when it comes to strategy application and goal achievement.

5. Yahoo! Ad Tech


Yahoo! is still one of the biggest search engines and a top choice for display advertising. Yahoo! has over 700 million monthly users to whom you can serve ads. Its reach is not quite on par with bigger search engines like Google and Bing, but it is more affordable. 

When it comes to ads, you can optimize target audience settings and choose from a wide variety of display ads and other ad types. 


Yahoo! offering cheaper advertising is an advantage to attorneys and business owners. However, the company is not in a favorable position: while it still makes ad revenue, its market share is practically negligible compared to its competitors. This problem might affect the longevity of the platform and the advertisers relying on it.

Why It’s a Great Choice

Despite the uncertainty, publishers and advertisers hope that Yahoo! is working on its issues. Besides, the platform is still running, and marketers can count on the millions in its reach and the affordable price to access it.

6. Epom Display Ads Platform


Epom is a display advertising platform for beginners who want to learn the ropes with little to no investment. Through Epom, you can sign up for a free trial and see how display advertising platforms work. 

Although your campaigns can run longer and reach more target clients if you invest more, taking the free trial won’t hurt if your main goal is to learn. 


Despite the affordability, the functionality and user interface of Epom still have room for improvement. Users need to invest extra time in understanding how to create various advertisements. 

The analytics also have limited templates, making it harder for users to make sense of the numbers.

Why It’s a Great Choice

Big-name advertisers are hard to pass up, but they come at high costs. If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly platform in terms of both your skills and your budget, Epom is an excellent choice.

Taboola logo on smartphone screen

7. Taboola Display Ad Networks


Taboola is not as famous as Google and Yahoo!, but its reliability in display advertising is unquestionable. Advertisers can look into the success of big brands like Netflix, USA Today, NBC, Business Insider, and more familiar names to know that this is worth investing in. Taboola allows you to create relevant ads to catch the attention of the platform’s numerous users.


Along with the credibility of having big brands advertising alongside you comes the competition. You are competing for the advertising space these big brands will occupy. Their placement may be better than yours because they have a higher advertising budget.

Why It’s a Great Choice

Despite the tough competition, Taboola is a great choice as it will push you to be more creative with your ad content and strategies. There is also a chance that the big names using the platform are not your direct competitors, as you have a much different audience to target.

Make the Most of Display Advertising Platforms with Local Business Marketing Solutions

Understanding the various display advertising networks is crucial for lawyers looking to enhance their digital marketing strategy and attract new clients. The seven top display ad networks above offer a range of pros and cons, from the versatile Google AdSense to the beginner-friendly Epom. Consider what platforms will work best for your specific target audience and goals. 

Local Business Marketing solutions can help you make the most of display advertising for lawyers. Our team of experts specializes in crafting effective ad campaigns for law firms, ensuring maximum visibility and ROI. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to harness the full potential of display advertising. Contact us for a 15-minute discovery consultation.

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