Paid Search Advertising Agency: Why Hire One for Your Law Firm and What to Expect

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Paid Search Advertising Agency: Why Hire One for Your Law Firm and What to Expect

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing can be a quick and game-changing solution for a law firm struggling to attract clients online. However, successful PPC campaigns require expertise, time, and careful optimization to avoid costly mistakes. That’s where hiring a trusted paid search advertising agency can be beneficial.

Your law firm faces unique challenges when it comes to PPC marketing. But navigating them can be overwhelming, especially if you’re already juggling the demands of your legal practice. You’ll need a PPC agency to craft customized campaigns targeting the right audience and optimize your ad spend to maximize your ROI.

Ready to dive into PPC marketing to take your law firm to the next level? Keep reading to discover how hiring a PPC company can help lawyers. You will also learn about the range of services they provide to ensure your campaigns drive quality leads, boost your caseload, and, ultimately, grow your revenue.

Benefits of Hiring a PPC Agency

The services of PPC specialists can cost anywhere from $1500 to $10,000. If you plan on hiring an agency, you want to be sure you’ll get your money’s worth. Here are some benefits to consider.

Increased Visibility and Awareness

Incorporating PPC into your digital marketing strategy allows you to expand your reach across competitive search engines such as Google. Studies show that search ads can increase top-of-mind brand awareness by 80%

With the help of PPC experts, your ads can rank at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) within a day. On the other hand, organic content would take at least a few weeks, if not months or years. 

Just look at the SERP for the query “bankruptcy lawyers.” In this example, you will see two paid ads (and Google Business Profile listings) before you even get to the first organic result. Now imagine your law firm dominating the SERP for your relevant buying keywords.

Search engine results page for “bankruptcy lawyers” in King County, WA, showing two PPC ads at the very top

Better Targeting and Higher-Quality Leads

More than reaching out to more people, PPC management services ensure that the right people see your ads by targeting specific keywords and demographics. It means that instead of sending your message out to the wide world, you can make it hyper-specific to target only the audience you want and need to reach. 

Your ads can show up in a certain location, say, within a few miles of the city where you practice. It communicates accessibility to potential clients within the area, leading to higher-quality leads and a better overall ROI. Additionally, it improves SEO performance by giving you an idea of which targeted keywords work.

Expertise and Experience

You may have dabbled in advertising your law firm before, but it can’t stack up to the years of expertise and experience PPC agencies have in creating effective campaigns that drive results.

By leveraging their comprehensive understanding of the latest trends and best practices in the industry, these agencies are equipped to maximize your firm’s online visibility, attract high-quality leads, and grow your client base. Entrusting your advertising efforts to an expert PPC agency means tapping into a wealth of specialized knowledge that will give your law firm a competitive edge.


Getting PPC right takes not only time but also money. Creating effective ads involves a few rounds of testing. If that sounds expensive, that’s because it is.

PPC agencies may require an upfront investment, but when you consider the expertise of the professionals working with you, the mistakes and complications they eliminate, and the knowledge you pick up from them, going the professional route may actually save you more in the long run.

Access to Tools and Technology

While you may have access to the basics, paid search advertising agencies have the latest tools and technology in their arsenal. Professional agencies invest in cutting-edge technology  to conduct comprehensive keyword research, competitor analysis, and performance tracking, among other things.

With these resources, agencies can identify opportunities, fine-tune campaigns, and maximize your firm’s ROI while minimizing expenses on costly mistakes. Their access to advanced analytics platforms and know-how can provide you with more detailed insights so that you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategy accordingly.

What PPC Advertising Services to Expect

Now that you know the benefits of hiring a PPC management agency, let’s dive into the services you can expect from one. From your initial consultation down to the nitty-gritty, a reputable PPC agency will guide you and your business through every step of the process.

Strategy Development

Beginning with your first meeting, a PPC management agency will take stock of your business and broach strategies to proceed. Once you agree on a partnership, the agency will take the reins and guide your firm with a well-rounded advertising strategy that aligns with your organic efforts.

Of course, hiring a full-service Internet marketing agency is also an option. These agencies cover a range of digital marketing services besides PPC (e.g., local SEO and social media marketing). You can take advantage of each service individually or have the agency do everything for you so that all your strategies align with your law firm’s unique goals.

Keyword Research

A significant part of pay-per-click advertising is keyword research. Before creating and publishing ads, your firm needs to have a list of relevant and high-performing keywords to target. These keywords ensure that your ads show up for the people who are more likely to convert.

Instead of doing it yourself, you can let the agency take charge of performing keyword research and selecting the keywords that fit your firm’s goals.

A young PPC agency team meeting and working together over coffee

Ad Creation and Optimization

Pay-per-click advertising agencies have the expertise to create ads, too. Following the strategy they’ve laid out for you, the agency will craft compelling ad copies that convey your law firm’s unique value proposition while highlighting your legal qualifications, practice areas, and the firm’s competitive advantages.

These ads will include the keywords discovered through research. The keyword-rich copy will then capture the attention of your chosen audience and persuade them to take action.

Landing Page Optimization

Your audience will have to be directed somewhere once they click through your ad campaigns. That’s where landing pages come in. Landing pages are where your audience “lands” after clicking on your ads. Because you have roughly 8 seconds to capture their attention, these landing pages need to be interesting and compelling enough to push the audience down the marketing funnel.

The PPC agency will optimize these pages for you using marketing copy that seamlessly transitions from your ads to the chosen landing page. This copy will lead to a persuasive call to action that will tell the audience exactly what you want them to do, all without sounding forceful or disingenuous. By optimizing your landing pages in this way, you can convert more customers and get the most value from your ad spend.

Bid and Budget Management

Your PPC ads and landing pages are now live, but it doesn’t stop there. To make the most out of your ad campaigns’ budget, your agency needs to be on top of managing your ads, raising and lowering your bids on selected keywords as needed.

As you can imagine, this takes a lot of time every day. However, staying on top of this aspect is one of the most crucial parts of an ad campaign. Strategically allocating your budget across different advertising campaigns, groups, and keywords will do two things: first, it helps you stay in line with your budget by maximizing cost efficiency, and second, it allows your campaigns to take advantage of opportunities to achieve your goals.

Audience Targeting and Remarketing

A good agency will always put your audience at the forefront of their considerations every time they run a campaign. And to identify this audience, the agency will research specific demographics, interests, and behaviors that align with your ideal client profile. 

Past targeting the right audience, a PPC management company must also pay attention to remarketing efforts. 

Remarketing is a PPC advertising strategy where audiences who do not convert the first time around—yet have shown interest in your services—are exposed to another one of your ads. This gives you another opportunity to convert them. By using tracking pixels and third-party cookies, users can be reminded that your firm exists through more optimized ads, encouraging them to take action.

Campaign Tracking and Reporting

Through all this, PPC marketing services will meticulously track your campaigns, optimize them as needed, and provide you with easily digestible reports that allow you to follow a campaign’s success.

Expect to be in constant communication with your chosen agency. A reputable service provider should be transparent and accountable with their services, and you should be able to reach out to them for any comments and concerns. They should also provide you with up-to-date and in-depth reports regularly or as requested so that you have a comprehensive understanding of the goals your firm has set and the steps they’ve undertaken to achieve them.

Looking for a Paid Search Advertising Agency to Supercharge Your Search Engine Marketing?

Get your Google search ads to convert with the help of a law firm PPC management company like Local Business Marketing Solutions. With the right mix of creativity, a research-backed strategy, and a forward-thinking team of PPC experts, you can see the power of paid search advertising for yourself and boost your ROI exponentially.

If you’re excited about supercharging your digital marketing efforts via PPC advertising, contact us for a 15-minute discovery consultation.

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