Helpful Tips Regarding Twitter for Construction Marketing

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Helpful Tips Regarding Twitter for Construction Marketing

Social media is something that should not be ignored when it comes to online marketing. One social media platform that you should be sure to use is Twitter. The following are a few tips for using Twitter for construction marketing:
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  • Stay informed – Twitter is an excellent way to stay informed on all sorts of news, including all the latest news regarding the construction industry. This is because all news outlets use Twitter to keep their followers up to date.
  • Continue to be educated – Learn about all the new construction methods and practices and keep up with popular opinions from industry leaders. There isn’t an industry out there that doesn’t have leading authorities or thought leaders sharing their ideas or methods on Twitter.
  • Engage – Engage with clients and potential clients by listening to everything they have to say, whether they have complaints, suggestions or general feedback, and make sure you answer everyone immediately when they engage with you. Engaging with followers is a great way to build brand loyalty and trust.
  • Share – Share links with your followers, whether it’s to content on your own blog, promotions on your website, or content found on other sites that you think your followers will find helpful.
  • Advertise – You can increase exposure to your company through the use of Twitter advertising. This comes in the form of promoting your Twitter account and promoting your tweets. While this will cost you a little bit of money, you’ll only be charged according to engagement, such as retweeting, link sharing or link clicking.
  • Hashtags – Use hashtags on your tweets to make your Twitter feed easier for users to find.

Use these tips for employing Twitter for construction marketing. Be sure to contact us at Local Business Marketing Solutions to schedule a one-on-one consultation today.

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