Mobile Apps



The introduction and increasing usage of smartphones has led to the inception of mobile apps. According to 2018 statistics, the mobile app market is projected to grow 385% through 2021, with the United States expected to experience the most significant proportional increase with a 310% rise amounting $820 billion. This data clearly points to the …



What is Mobile First Design? And Why Is It Important For Your Business?

The internet is a mobile-first world now, and your website needs to embrace this shift to avoid missing out on opportunities. By prioritizing your mobile experience with user-friendly design principles and an always-on-the-go approach to content, you can reap bigger rewards from referral channels and compete more effectively for visibility. There’s no understating just how …

What is Mobile First Design? And Why Is It Important For Your Business? Read More »


Key Features to make your Mobile Application popular

It’s becoming difficult to stand out in the ever-expanding mobile application landscape. There are more than one million of mobile applications available on the Google Play Store and another million in the iPhone App Store. With the unbelievable sales of tablets, smartphones, and wearables, the mobile applications have turned into important tools for business and …

Key Features to make your Mobile Application popular Read More »

Helpful Tips Regarding Twitter for Construction Marketing

Social media is something that should not be ignored when it comes to online marketing. One social media platform that you should be sure to use is Twitter. The following are a few tips for using Twitter for construction marketing: Stay informed – Twitter is an excellent way to stay informed on all sorts of …

Helpful Tips Regarding Twitter for Construction Marketing Read More »

If Your Business Runs on Email, You Need a Mobile Site

  A mobile website is essential in an era when the majority of those with online access utilize mobile devices to get online. It’s especially important if your business runs on email, since many people receive their email alerts on their smartphones. Mobile-friendly websites ensure your newsletters, promotional material and general messages are read rather …

If Your Business Runs on Email, You Need a Mobile Site Read More »

Mobile Internet Traffic Increased in 2015: Is Your Website Optimized for Mobile Platforms?

Every company knows the marketing necessity of a well-developed website, but with the current trend of internet users accessing information on their smartphones, developing a mobile website is critical. In 2015, mobile internet traffic nearly doubled because cellular networks got faster and smartphone screens got bigger. This year will see record numbers of people who …

Mobile Internet Traffic Increased in 2015: Is Your Website Optimized for Mobile Platforms? Read More »

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